# Title Aired
1 Stripped of Dignity
2 Ruffled Feathers
3 Ash Clown
4 Captain Fatbelly
5 Centaur of Attention
6 Dog Days of Bummer
7 Virtual Insanity
8 Tooth and Consequences
9 Heckle and Hide
10 Joke and Dagger
11 British Invasion
12 Live Punishment 100th Episode
13 Nitro Circus Spectacular
14 Swim Shady
15 Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
16 Lady and the Tramp
17 Brother of the Sisterhood
18 The Parent Trap
19 The Chairman
20 Catastrophe
21 Scarytales
22 Vampire Weakened
23 Stare Master
24 Footloose
25 A Legendary Fail
26 X Man
27 Hitting the Wrong Note
28 Medium, Well Done
29 Wrong Playwright
30 The Butt of the Joker
31 Deal With the Devils
32 Takes the Cake
33 Drum and Drummer
34 Tied and Feathered
35 Field of Screams
36 Stuffed Turkey
37 Blind Justice