# Title Aired
1 What If You Were the Only Person Immune to COVID-19?
2 What Happens If You Don't Shower for a Month?
3 What If You Stopped Brushing Your Teeth?
4 What If Octopuses Are Aliens From Outer Space?
5 What If You Lived in Ancient Rome?
6 What If Bats Were the Size of Humans?
7 What If Trump Didn't Quit After Losing?
8 What If You Ate a Brick of Dry Ice?
9 What If You Traveled One Billion Years Into the Future?
10 What If Your Organs Were in the Wrong Place?
11 What If a Black Neutron Star Entered the Solar System?
12 What If Birds Had Arms?
13 What If You Were Attacked by a Megalodon?
14 What If the Solar System Orbited a Black Hole?
15 What If You Never Cried?
16 What If a COVID Vaccine Were Available Tomorrow?
17 What If You Drank a Glass of Moon Water?
18 What If We Could See Through A Black Hole?
19 What If You Could Breathe Fire?
20 What If Uranus Collided With Earth?
21 What If a Turkey Hit Earth at the Speed of Light?
22 What If You Built a Pipe to the Bottom of the Mariana Trench?
23 What If Your Skin Were Bullet-Proof?
24 What If You Skydived From the ISS?
25 What If a Magnitude 20 Earthquake Hits?
26 What If Humans Could Fly?
27 What If Tardigrades Were the Size of Humans?
28 What If North America Suddenly Sank Into the Oceans?
29 What If You Never Took Off Your Face Mask?
30 What If We Refueled the Sun With Jupiter?
31 What If You Explored the Deepest Points on Earth?
32 What If You Never Stopped Growing?
33 What If The Sun Swallowed Earth
34 What If the Earth Was Actually Flat?
35 What If We Detonated an Antimatter Bomb on Earth?
36 What If a Tornado Hit an Active Volcano?
37 What If Sandworms Were the Size of Humans?
38 What If We Settled on an Exoplanet?
39 What If Everyone Planted Their Own Christmas Tree?
40 What If You Were Swallowed by a Crocodile?
41 What If There Were Only 1,000 People Left on Earth?
42 What If the Loch Ness Monster Is Real?
43 What If You Didn't Cut Your Nails for a Year?
44 What If a Supernova Exploded Close to Earth?
45 What If We Didn't Have Bones?
46 What If You Ate Nothing But Sugar For A Month
47 What If We Filled Our Oceans Up With Lava?
48 What If You Had to Live Through 2020 All Over Again?
49 What If We Cooled the Earth with Solar Power?
50 What If You Didn't Wash Your Hair for a Year?
51 What If You Held in All Your Farts?
52 What If Google Went Offline for a Week?
53 What If You Traveled to the Hell Planet?
54 What If Poltergeists Were Real?
55 What If No One Ever Died?
56 What If All Life on Earth Lived in the Oceans?
57 What If You Ate Nothing but Chocolate for a Month?
58 What If Earth Lost Power for 7 Days?
59 What If You Wore 100 Layers of Makeup?
60 What If Ants Were the Size of Elephants?
61 What If You Jumped Into a Pool Full of Honey?
62 What If You Touched Absolute Zero?
63 What If We Painted Earth White?
64 What If We Were a Type III Civilization?
65 What If You Didn't Wash Your Feet for a Year?
66 What If the Universe Collapsed in on Itself?
67 What If You Were Swallowed by a Hippo?
68 What If Octopus-like Creatures Inhabit Europa?
69 What If You Only Ate Red Meat?
70 What If You Fell Into Neptune?
71 What If You Were the Dirtiest Man on Earth?
72 What If We Discovered Alien Life on Mars?
73 What If You Ate an Alien?
74 What If America Paid Reparations to Black People for Slavery?
75 What If You Fell Into a Pool of Molten Metal?
76 What If the Spanish Flu Never Happened?
77 What If You Flew To Space On A Jetpack
78 What If a Volcanic Apocalypse Happened Tomorrow?
79 What If the Ring of Fire Suddenly Erupted?
80 What If You Were The Last Child Born On Earth
81 What If You Had $1,000,000 Bitcoins?
82 What If Earth's Atmosphere Became Super-heated to 1,000 Degrees for 5 Seconds?
83 What If We Could Control Hurricanes
84 What If Humans Were Translucent?
85 What If You Cut the Moon in Half?
86 What If COVID-19 Never Disappears?
87 What If Jupiter Lost Its Atmosphere
89 What If... Apr 7th, 2021
90 What If... Apr 9th, 2021
91 What If... Apr 11th, 2021
92 What If... Apr 13th, 2021
93 What If... Apr 15th, 2021
94 What If... Apr 17th, 2021
95 What If... Apr 19th, 2021