# Title Aired
1 What If Orgasms Didn’t Exist?
2 What If All Stars Exploded at the Same Time?
3 What If You Were 5 Meters Tall?
4 What If You Had X-Ray Vision?
5 What If There Was No Music?
6 hat If You Were the First Person on Mars?
7 What If a Magnetar Entered Our Solar System?
8 What If Everyone Over the Age of 18 Disappeared?
9 What If We Created a Superintelligence?
10 What If Earth’s Atmosphere Was Pure Oxygen?
11 What If You Were the Last Person on Earth?
12 What If Earth Was Near the Center of the Milky Way?
13 What If You Fell Into a Pool of Liquid Nitrogen?
14 What If You Lived During the Middle Ages?
15 What If You Fell Into Quicksand?
16 What If We Had Flying Cars?
17 What If We Moved Earth?
18 What If We Had Working Quantum Computers Today?
19 What If All Houses Were Covered With Solar Panels?
20 What If We Lived in a Globular Cluster?
21 What If One Million People Actually Stormed Area 51?
22 What If a Gamma-Ray Burst Hits Earth?
23 What If You Fell Into a Pool Filled Snake Venom?
24 What If We Sent Our Trash Into the Sun?
25 What If You Had a Cosmic Twin?
26 What If You Ate Mold?
27 What If We Lived in a Galactic Zoo?
28 What If You Fell Into a Pool Full of Sharks?
29 What If We Created a Second Artificial Moon?
30 What If You Fell out of an Airplane at 30,000 Feet?
31 What If a Spoonful of Neutron Star Appeared on Earth?
32 What If Animals Were As Smart As Us?
33 What If We Settled on the Moon?
34 What If There Was No Salt in the World?
35 What If People With Down Syndrome Ruled the World?
36 What If You Went Surfing on a Tsunami?
37 What If We Built Cloud Cities on Venus?
38 What If You Could Upload Your Brain?
39 What If We Nuked Mars?
40 What If We Lost The Amazon Rainforest?
41 What If We Nuked a Hurricane?
42 What If We Extinguished the Sun?
43 What If You Could Work Anywhere in the World?
44 What If We Could Open a Portal to a Parallel Universe?
45 What If You Could Record Your Dreams?
46 What If Pangea Never Broke Apart?
47 What If You Didn’t Feel Pain?
48 What If Telekinesis Was Real?
49 What If You Skydived Into a Tornado?
50 What If the Earth Was One Living Organism?
51 What If the World Was Ruled by Only One Man?
52 What If You Met a Time Traveler?
53 What If You Could Melt Metal With Your Hands?
54 What If We Could Refreeze the Arctic?
55 What If We Poured a Pool of Liquid Nitrogen Into a Volcano?
56 What If You Were the Only Man on Earth?
57 What If You Jumped Into a Pool Full of Stomach Acid?
58 What If We Dug Tunnels Between Continents?
59 What If We Knew the Time We Go Extinct?
60 What If Everybody Planted a Tree on Their Birthday?
61 What If We Find a Cure for Cancer?
62 What If It Rained Acid?
63 What If Alien Life Was Silicon-Based?
64 What If There Was No Friction for 1 Minute?
65 What If Smartphones Were Invented in the 60s?
66 What If Another Sun Entered Our Solar System?
67 What If We Created Hybrid Human-Animals?
68 What If Ghosts Were Real?
69 What If All Humans Spoke The Same Language?
70 What If We Found Alien Life on Enceladus?
71 What If You Could Build the Death Star?
72 What If You Jumped Into a Pool Filled With Human Saliva?
73 What If the Atmosphere Was 10% Deep Voice Gas?
74 What If You Owned a Time Machine?
75 What If We Dumped Our Trash in the Bermuda Triangle?
76 What If Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct?
77 What If We No Longer Needed Sleep?
78 What If Earth Was the Only Planet in the Solar System?
79 What If We Could Upload Fake Memories Into the Brain?
80 What Happens If You Never Take Your Contacts Out?
81 What If There Was No Sugar in the World?
82 What If All Cars Were Indestructible?
83 What If Spiders Were the Size of Humans?
84 What If You Were Made of Dark Matter?
85 What If Ice Was Hot Instead of Cold?
86 What If We Created No Waste?
87 What If You Never Left Your Bed?
88 What If Earth Was Shaped Like a Donut?
89 Face Reveal