# Title Aired
1 Crossing the Urban-Rural Divide
2 Bluebird Lady, Bull Run, Streaked Horn Lark
3 Boat Building, Sixgill Sharks, Tsunami Update
4 Knowles Creek Update, Vultures, Wave Power
5 Forest Thinning, Oregon Cave Cleaning, Portland Stairways
6 Bending the Wallowa River, Golf Clinic, Invasive Species Rapid
7 Bryan Bates, Surfer, Devil's Staircase, Hagg Lake Expansion
8 Murres & Eagles, Geocaching, Wind and Bats
9 Ethanol, Forest Surveyors, Old Tree
10 Ocean Acidification, Pygmy Owls, Green Roofs
11 Brown Pelicans, Freeriding, Oak Savannah
12 Dead Zone Update, Whychus Creek, Coast Aquarium, Sea Turtles