Secret Level
Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds from beloved gaming classics and highly anticipated new titles.
Last Episode | |
Playtime: Fulfillment Not linked to any one franchise, this episode focuses on a range of PlayStation characters tracking down a valuable item in a virtual world. |
# | Title | Aired |
1 | Dungeons & Dragons: The Queen's Cradle |
2 | Sifu: It Takes a Life |
3 | New World: The Once and Future King |
4 | Unreal Tournament: Xan |
5 | Warhammer 40,000: And They Shall Know No Fear |
6 | PAC-MAN: Circle |
7 | Crossfire: Good Conflict |
8 | Armored Core: Asset Management |
9 | The Outer Worlds: The Company We Keep |
10 | Mega Man: Start |
11 | Exodus: Odyssey |
12 | Spelunky: Tally |
13 | Concord: Tale of the Implacable |
14 | Honor of Kings: The Way of All Things |
15 | Playtime: Fulfillment |