Kindergarten: The Musical
The series follows 5-year-old Birdy, who, with the help of her amazing teacher and new friends, uses her imagination to express her fears, excitement and joy through big Broadway-style song and dance numbers, proving that kindergarten is just like a big stage and there is nothing a good song can’t fix.
Last Episode | |
One Holiday More The kids celebrate all the winter holidays with Albert Applesauce, the class guinea pig. |
# | Title | Aired |
1 | There's No Place Like Kindergarten |
2 | We're Off to Get a Sticker |
3 | One Singular Self-Portrait |
4 | Don't Cry for Me Kindergarten |
5 | Little Job of Horrors |
6 | Bye Bye Albie |
7 | Shoeloose |
8 | If I Only Had a Scarf |
9 | Bunny Girl |
10 | Give My Regards to Backdrops |
11 | Twin the Heights |
12 | Everything's Coming Up Jamil |
21 | Meet Me in Santo Domingo |
22 | Some Enchanted Second Grade |
23 | Do You Hear the Students Sing? |
24 | Hello, Dino Dolly! |
25 | Squish in Boots |
26 | Take Me or Leaf Me |
27 | A Winter's Walrus |
28 | One Holiday More |