This classic game show features a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the form of questions. After an 11 year run on NBC daytime, the show resurfaced in a modified format in 1978 and then came back in syndication in 1984, where it continues to enjoy long-term success.
Next Episode | |
Fri, Dec 6, 2024 |
# | Title | Aired |
1 | The Greatest of All Time Match 1 |
2 | The Greatest of All Time Match 2 |
3 | The Greatest of All Time Match 3 |
4 | The Greatest of All Time Match 4 |
5 | The Greatest of All Time Match 5 (if required) |
6 | The Greatest of All Time Match 6 (if required) |
7 | The Greatest of All Time Match 7 (if required) |
26 | Million Dollar Masters Finals Game 2 |
37 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 1 |
38 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 2 |
39 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 3 |
40 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 4 |
41 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 5 |
45 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 9 |
46 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 10 |
47 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 11 |
48 | National College Championship Quarterfinal Game 12 |
49 | National College Championship Semifinal Game 1 |
50 | National College Championship Semifinal Game 2 |
51 | National College Championship Semifinal Game 3 |
52 | National College Championship Semifinal Game 4 |
53 | National College Championship Final Game 1 |
54 | National College Championship Final Game 2 |
58 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Quarterfinal Game 2 |
59 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Quarterfinal Game 3 |
60 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Semifinal Game 1 |
61 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Quarterfinal Game 4 |
62 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Quarterfinal Game 5 |
63 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Quarterfinal Game 6 |
64 | 2022 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! Semifinal Game 2 |